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Archive of Published Issues: 2025

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://africanbioconservation.org/index.php/ajbc
Title African Journal of Biodiversity Conservation
Publisher AOSIS
Description The African Journal of Biodiversity Conservation aims to foster a vibrant intellectual environment by serving as a platform for the dissemination of best conservation practices, opinion pieces, shared experiences, critical analyses, and comprehensive reviews.
Keywords African Journal of Biodiversity Conservation; AJBC; open access; peer-reviewed; multidisciplinary; online journal; nature conservation; Africa; conservation ecology; basic research; applied research; spatial scales; temporal scales; evolutionary scales; populations; ecosystems; microorganisms; fungi; higher plants; Botany; animals; Zoology; terrestrial ecosystems; marine ecosystems; sustainable use; sustainable forest management; combatting desertification; climate regulation; land degradation; biodiversity loss; human wellbeing; conservation practices; opinion pieces; shared experiences; critical analyses; comprehensive reviews; cooperation; global collaboration; role-players; interdisciplinary research; ethical practices; sustainable development; environmental protection
Language(s) English (en_US)
Publisher Email submissions@africanbioconservation.org

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